Inspired by the life and works of Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, Rahul Multidisciplinary Research Centre (RMRC) was established in 1996 to pursue the following aims and objectives:
- To undertake researches for application of science and technology in the services of people particularly the poor and the deprived (both in rural and urban areas) specially in areas of the greatest social and economic need;
- To undertake all such activities in rural areas which result in generation of wealth and mass employment.
- To undertake and promote all such developmental activities which are eco-friendly, dependent on regional resources (as far as possible) and mass participative. All such activities shall be undertaken only after careful analysis that such activities shall not adversely affect the land and environment in the long run.
- To undertake research and development to meet the future challenges in those areas in which Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan worked including promotion of science and technology in the service of mankind, creation of a world free from poverty, hunger, social evils, castes and free of any kind of exploitation.
- To undertake the following activities for the success of the growth-oriented activities undertaken by the Centre:
- Human Resource Development and Development of Professionalism.
- Improvement in School Education Programmes and participation in National Literacy Mission Programme.
- Education and Training of women and children
- Mobilisation of public opinion against social evils.
- Training of manpower (both in rural and urban areas) in Market Research and Quality Assurance and Management.
- Several socio-economic programmes like safe drinking water and irrigation projects have been undertaken by the Govt. Of India. Centre would participate in all such programmes and shall also undertake evaluation of ongoing projects with regard to their performance, social impact, utility etc. In terms of quantifiable parameters with a view to suggest improvements so that these programmes are more effective.
- To undertake fundamental research in the areas of science and identify gaps between what exists in the country and what needs to be done for fuller utilization of science and technology for socio-economic development and keeping the country abreast in specific areas of science. Centre will also undertake study and adoption of various technologies developed by DSIR, BARC, TIFR, Universities, Institutes and Research Centres and cooperate and coordinate with such organisations as above and also with Khadi and Village Industries Commission to undertake rural employment oriented activities.
- To undertake programmes in the areas of family planning, nutrition and health care, sanitation and housing with a view to improve the quality of life both in rural and urban areas.
- To undertake studies in areas of History, Culture, Indology, Tibetology, Religion, Philosophy, Travels, Psychology and literature and the results will be incorporated in the growth model suggested for the socio-economic development of the region. It will also undertake works in the areas of fine arts like Music, Dance, Drama, Tribal Culture, Paintings in which India has strong tradition.
It would encourage and undertake translation of various works of Mahapandit Rahul as well as other works, which are committed to change the quality of Human life, into various Indian languages.
It would put in extra effort towards the development of environment friendly technologies in the areas of energy, water, telecommunication and informatics.
It undertakes to create institutions of higher education in areas of History, Culture, Philosophy, Religion, Travels, Literature and Language, Science, Technology and Society, Indology and Tibetology and other areas in which Mahapandit Rahul Worked.
Aims and Objectives Incidental or Ancillary to the Attainment of aims and Objectives:
- It will publish journals, reports, periodicals and other literature, booklets, research papers with a view to propagate knowledge.
- It will establish relationship with like minded Research Organisations, Trusts and Universities, Schools and Colleges and shall subscribe to become member of National, International Organisations and Institutions for furtherance of the objects of the Centre.
- It will provide facilities for higher education, research and training and shall organise (National, International) Seminars, Discussions, Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions in the areas enumerated in the objects of the Centre for realising Aims and Objects of the Centre.
- It will develop a modern library with Internet connection, reprography facilities and all such other gadgets and facilities which will be useful for the cause of furtherance of knowledge and other charitable purposes.
- It will institute and award fellowships to persons and provide monetary help to those individuals or organisations which are involved in similar objectives. Centre would also develop closer relationship with and donate to such organisations or trusts which are engaged in the furtherance of knowledge and propagation of the ideals of Mahapandit Rahul. It would also jointly workout programmes and shall hold properties as decided by the Governing Body of the Centre.
- It will organise cultural and educational tours and travels both in India and abroad for the furtherance of the objects or the Centre.
- It will acquire, purchase, take on lease and/or licence or in any manner, lands, buildings and tenements and will construct buildings for any of the objects of the Centre.
- It will acquire movable or immovable property from any individual, Institution or Government (both national or international) in the form of grants, donations, gifts, provided that such external help from individuals, Institutions and Government (both national and international) is in consonance with objects of the Centre and free from any conditions attached to them.
- All the incomes, earnings, movable, immovable properties of the Centre shall be solely utilised and applied towards the promotion of its Aims and Objectives only as set forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred or applied directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Centre or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of his membership. Nothing contained herein, shall prevent the payment in good faith to officers or servants or employees of the Centre or other persons in return for any services rendered to the Centre and that nothing herein shall prevent the reimbursement of expenses incurred by any of the members of the Centre under the authority of Centre for promoting the cause of the Centre or for day-to-day running of the affairs of the Centre. If at any time any office bearer of the Governing Body or whole time office bearer of the Centre or the Governing Body or renders any special service the Governing Body may in its discretion pay such remunerations or allowances to such office bearer as it may think proper.
- To receive and collect any gift, subscriptions and donations either in cash or in any kind, or acquire by any other lawful ways and means and spend the same it fulfilment of all or any of the Aims and Objects of the Centre. The income and property (s) of the Centre shall be applied solely for the promotion and fulfilment of the Aims and Objects of the Centre, provided if any donor intends that the contributions shall be spent towards the promotion of that particular object only.
- To acquire by purchase take on lease, hire or by gift, and hold any movable or immovable properties of any rights, or privileges that may be deem